askonieczny4 Member


  • Google "cravings and what you really need" Click images and it will tell you if your craving chocolate you need magnesium eat nuts. Sugar need ? Eat ? It has alternatives to get rid of the cravings. Like what healthy to eat when your craving bad stuff to get rid of the craving.
  • I don't know how to add pictures but google diet soda then look at the images and read everything about it. It is horrible for you. Asperteme in general is horrible for you.
  • I had a hard time starting on water too then I found the hydr8 cup. It's a cup with times on it. So I know by 10 a.m. I have to be to the first line. By noon the second line and so on. At first it would hit noon and I would drink down that whole amount I was supposed to take. But then after a while I found it would be noon…