lorraineyahr Member


  • OK - Feb 2 - 135.00 5'3 - In for 4 - maybe 5. But 4 will be fine
  • Soorry!!! I was travelling but just plugged my Friday weight in.... and how about February!!!
  • Yea! For us!!! :)
  • Anyway - I am impressed with everyone's commitment! Definitely helps mine!! Thanks!!!
  • I did better the first week. The second week we went out one night - and then I got busy and didn't pay as much attention - so I only lost a pound. So I gave myself a free day after my weigh in - but tried not to OVER eat. Wine is definitely OUT. I lose all will power...and get a headache to boot. So I am back to tracking…
  • Wow - impressed with everyone! Tuesday of week 2 is HARDER... I don't know why - but I feel HUNGR GRRRR RY. But I am tracking everything so if I go over my calorie allowance I try to walk more - I think I'll try to get out of the house more.... my HOME OFFICE is RIGHT NEXT TO THE KITCHEN!!! - I can seethe fridg from my…
  • My standard breakfast is 1/4 cup musli, 1/4c whole yogurt, 2 oz OJ and about 1/2-1 cup of rasberries - plus a cup of 1% milk in my coffee. (Really - coffee in my milk) Lunch was home made chicken soup and a slide of Whole foods seduction bread which can be hard to resist having more. A huge salad for dinner w1th home made…
  • I weighed in today (Friday the 1st) 138.9. I already put my name in the spread sheet. :)
  • Hi - My name is Lorraine. I am 63 - I'll be 64 this month! 5'3" - my heaviest weight was 140 eons ago, that I ballooned up to from 115 in a year. It took a few years to get down to about 120. And then I gave up smoking so gave myself permission to eat anything as compensation. Then I saw a picture of myself...yikes. So…