chupacabramamma Member


  • Hi! If you have some self control, and would like something to "binge" on occasionally, you can bake a recipe like that in muffin cups - and the bottom crust really isn't important or necessary. You can find my late Aunt Ann's old cheesecake recipe here - it's guaranteed to be classic NY Cheesecake.…
  • We did a 70% raw diet in our household for a few weeks. It worked pretty well, and the Raw Spinach Lasagne recipe in Baird Rodwell's "The Complete Book of Raw Food" (the only recipe book I found useful for a household of varied eaters) ranks in my opinion as one of the top 10 lasagne recipes, raw or cooked. (And I grew up…
  • My younger (20 y.o.) daughter is moderate/severe, living in a fully supported group home. We kept her fairly strictly GFCF and there were definitely behavioral effects. Dairy more obviously affected her sleep patterns, and wheat affected her less severely there but like her big sister and me, you can see the effects in…
  • Hi! I'm new, feeding me, 2 other adults, and four children in age from 20 months up to 12 years. The serving size conundrum had me tweaked for a few days, so here's what I'm doing. 1. When using pre-packaged ingredients (I entered my first recipe on here - "Cheesy Chorizo Scramble" for example) I enter the weight listed on…