sjoslen Member


  • January 2, 2016 8:07AM SW:(180) CW:(180) GW:(175) Weigh in dates: Start of the month(01/01 Friday): 01/02 Sat: 178.4 01/09 Sat: 177 01/16 Sat: 174.5 01/23 Sat: 174.4 01/30 Sat: End of the month(01/31 Sunday):
  • January 2, 2016 8:07AM SW:(180) CW:(180) GW:(175) Weigh in dates: Start of the month(01/01 Friday): 01/02 Sat: 178.4 01/09 Sat: 177 01/16 Sat: 174.5 01/23 Sat: 01/30 Sat: End of the month(01/31 Sunday): Water weight gone, now for the hard stuff.....
  • sjoslen January 2, 2016 8:07AM SW:(180) CW:(180) GW:(175) Weigh in dates: Start of the month(01/01 Friday): 01/02 Sat: 178.4 01/09 Sat: 177 01/16 Sat: 01/23 Sat: 01/30 Sat: End of the month(01/31 Sunday): Bigger 2509 wow 4 pounds that is amazing keep up the good work!!!
  • Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it. I actually know all the fitness info as I have spent my whole life trying to keep fit and healthy, that is why this issue is driving me crazy. The things I used to do, dont work anymore. I may have additional medical issues (just had physical) I am going to try eating according to…
  • Right there with you....too many changes in my body make it hard to do anything but sit and wallow. I want to be healthy again.
  • SW:(180) CW:(180) GW:(175) Weigh in dates: Start of the month(01/01 Friday): 01/02 Sat: 178.4 01/09 Sat: 01/16 Sat: 01/23 Sat: 01/30 Sat: End of the month(01/31 Sunday): Water weight going away is always the start. But it is a start... dramaqueen45 - you are awesome! I hope to achieve that well. Try switching up when you…
  • Hi Liz, I ate ok, but no activity. You are right, each day is a new start. I am trying to do one thing better each day. Changing everything at once is so overwhelming that I end up giving up too soon. Today I am going to try to get some lean protein in at each meal. Good luck on your day. You can do it!!!!!
  • SW:(180) CW:(180) GW:(175) Weigh in dates: Start of the month(01/01 Friday): 01/02 Sat: 01/09 Sat: 01/16 Sat: 01/23 Sat: 01/30 Sat: End of the month(01/31 Sunday): Total weight lost:0 to date, tried half heartedly last year and no results time to get healthy again. To jkruetzfeldt you are doing awesome, loosing that much…
  • I need that too. Need people to not let me make excuses (like I have been doing). I am a good encourager, just not to myself. Have 40 lbs to lose.
  • HI Liz, I am Sarah and food my go to comfort for over 45+ years. Trying once again to get healthy and find balance. Would love to work with you for motivation and encouragement through our journey.
  • I am with you. 47 weight havery always struggled to keep weight off (35-40 excess lbs currently) Need good support group to keep me going. Want to get Healthy this year, no excuses.