Gods own country, Newcastle -England
ardanjusik1 14lbs 9.4 lost 5.6 to go Benkofi 14lbs 0 lost 14 to go BigGMK83 Goal 14lbs 14 lost 0 to go Blt1350 28lbs 0 lost 28 to go Bluesson001 Brandiwyliemoore Goal 15 lbs 0 lost 15 to go Candace Goal 14lbs 0 lost 14 to go Cecile Woolley 14lbs 3lost 11to go Chocolategemz Goal 14lbs 0 lost 14 to go Dietvanillacoke Goal…
Great idea for a thread. I'm new to the community and this will really help keep me focused Goal 14lbs 2 lost 12 to go
Surely he should love you not a number on a scale. This is verbal abuse it's mental abuse and controlling. Do yourself a favour forget about losing weight and think about losing him!