Kudos to you for nursing. Really. It's not easy (or wasn't for me). Pregnancy for me made a huge change in how quickly I can lose weight. Glacial. Anyway, I have no advice other than to not worry too much. It may be wise to get your blood checked just to be sure you have the right nutrient and aren't anemic. But nursing…
Mine is open (I think) so feel free to add. I'm a working mom with many meal difficulties - my husband doesn't eat meat and I dont eat fish! So ultimately I am making two meals many nights. I only have smoothies at work when I am short on time or didn't bring food. And qwest bars are awful. But I drink coffee. Always have…
Balancing my role as a mom with the role of someone who must regain control of their health. The guilt is overwhelming when I stick my husband on solo parenting detail so often so I can work out. And also balancing the resentment I sometimes feel that they make it harder for me than it should be.
hardboiled egg; light string cheese; I keep wasa fiber crackers at my desk and a wheel of laughing cow in the fridge; I pre-measure dip for veggies (lately, tzatziki with celery/carrots/cucumber) on a sunday and bring them in either as one bag or different smaller bag each day. I have glass rubbermaid containers that I…
I had lost almost 80lbs between getting engaged and my husband returning from deployment to Afghanistan. I was able to focus on myself - workout and cook healthy. But I was a hermit. Never spent time with friends, only focused on weight loss. When he returned, we pretty quickly went though IVF and I got pregnant. The lack…
Having a child makes what is necessary so much more difficult. As a mom with PPD/PPA, j still struggle with the guilt of leaving my kid while I go to work let alone to the gym. And I have a needy child so I have little time to cook properly. It's awful and I've gained back more than I lost before getting pregnant. I am the…