justforme8 Member


  • Thank you!! :)
  • Big o mistake... starting weight.... 229.5 :( :*(:*(
  • Im confused, are there 2 if these going on? LOL Either way, can I still join? 225 (although I am going to the gym tonight to verify)
  • Ooohhh I wanna join! :) My name is Cheree, Um.. Im guessing my weight is 225 (I am going to the gym tonight, so I will update that!) and favorite food?? Ummm... All of it hence the weight I am! LOL no, really I am a big steak lover, and of course carbs carbs carbs.. one thing I am trying to stay away from is Starbucks!! I…
  • WOWOWOWOZZEERRSS!! You look amazing. Such an inspiration. I Love it, keep it up!! Now if I could just get some motivation to stick with it or a whole year!!
  • Shared an omlette with my 2 year old, (3 egg whites, 1/4 cup spinach,1 tablespoon chopped onion and a couple of jalenpeno's)... along with my coffee with 1 (yikes, trying to cut back on the extra added sugars in my coffee's) tbsp of creamer! Excuse the spelling errors! :drinker: :drinker:
  • AFRICKENMEN I am healthcare worker, and SAY NOPE! Everyone has their own mind set on this... its kinda like politics hate to talk about them, because everybody is so right, and your wrong. lol :drinker:
  • Thank you for everyone's kind words. I ended up working out last night, and Started today great as well!! I just wanted to pop in and say thank you!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • GOOD afternoon!! Just checking in! SO this weekend me and hubby decided we are ready for another baby! but I told him, lets both lose 30lbs and trhen start trying! I ahve been doing so well I just wanna keep on trucking on the weight lose wagon! Other then that, a whole weekend of studying! How about everyone else? What…
  • Im in! I wanna lose at LEAST 30lbs before the new year, when we start TTC for another baby! I just need to end my BOREDOM eating now! Happy monday to everyone!:drinker:
  • And the weekend comes and goes in a blink of the eye. . . UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH LOL Back to the work week, and I neeed to go grocery shopping for myself and the kids lunches. ITs the PERFECT temp out today, COOOOOL maybe too cold! ;) Ok just stopping in to say hello!
  • YUM! I LOVE THEM ALSO!! so I stay away because I just cannot trust myself yet:grumble: ... and the cravings are gone... :ohwell:
  • :grumble: :grumble: I hate RAINY NASTY DAYS!! I just want to cuddle up on the couhc and watch TV, and with my 2 yr home, it is soooo doable! but nope, I am cleaning house working out and studying!! Leigh, Im here!! I forgot about this and cmae back and then no one was around!! haha I know Im a slacker!!:frown: But Im back…
  • awe well I hope he feels better! Any age kids that are sick break my :brokenheart: .. Being a peds nurse, that could be a reason. . . Where was your trip to?
  • Im soo glad Im not the only one!! LOL I know Im not supposed to... And I try my best not to... but days like today rainy nasty cold (in mich) I just want a continous cup of coffee and panera bread frensh onion soup, blankets and trashy TV..:blushing: LOL But Im sticking to my no calorie, fat free chol. free sweat shirt!…
  • I know that silly! Of course with all the blankets and sweatshirts, when Im still cold, I want soup or warm bread or HOT coffee... :grumble: :grumble: Ok, NEVERMIND rereading that, maybe I AM LOSING IT!!!!! LOL:noway:
  • swine flu:huh: ? Might be a tad bit out there.... Does he have a temp? is he throwing up? Get him to drink some fluids, gatorade esp. if he is throwing up... As a mother I can;t say what I would do, its hard to enjoy yourself any where when your kid is sick! I hope he gets better soon!! Sorry Im not much help. j\:bigsmile:…
  • To add to that question, do you ever feel like when your cold, you want to eat something becasue it will warm you up?? I may be weird, but now that I am losing weight, I get colder all the time. And for some psychological reason I want something warm to eat and I'll be warm.. . . . my husband thinks Im losing it!!!!:noway:
  • ooohhh sounds YUMMY! BTW Love the pugs!!:tongue:
  • That Sounds SOOO yummy right now! Im gonna try it tonight! thanks!!:drinker:
  • GOOOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: How is everyone? Im doing prettty good. Judt waiting for the kids to get ready to send them off to the bus stop, then me and my youngest are going for our friday morning walk around the sub.. I REALLLLY want a starbucks pumpkin spice latte skim milk no whip RIGHT…
  • I REALLY REALLY wanna do a triathalon (sp) soo Im trying to get the running down right now, and then move onto swimming. So I run on the treadmill during the am and bike in the evening. . . If I could just let go of the weekend beers/martinis I MAY be a lil further in my efforts!:grumble:
  • :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: I am such a dork sometimes, I looked and looked for this thread forever, not remembering where I put it, until DUH I could easily go to my topics!!! hahaha Im sorry! How is everyone doing?! I doubt anyone even checks it, its been a coupel of weeks.. I hope everyone is…
  • :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: YAY! Good luck! I cant wait til I reach that level! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Im off for a run now! :happy:
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am sooooo glad Im not the only one! I was surprised to get on here this morning and see the responses! Makes me realize that a set back is just that, temporary! Yesterday I did eat pretty well, even with the stress of hating my new semester!! How was everyone else's day? One…
  • Hey! I am also getting married, but JULY 4th! 38 days!! ;) and Im in nursing school so my life is hectic! but I am working out 5 days a week and have been before we got engaged (march 5th of this yr) sO it has been a FAST whirlwind. :laugh: But I'd love to buddy up! (and no its not a red white and blue wedding ! lol you…
  • :flowerforyou: I don't post often here, but I do read posts every day, and I just wanted to say thank you. :wink: This was staright to the point, and a good read. Not to mention to take the time to just sit and write it means a lot! So that being said... Thanks! **Cheree**
  • Grande nonfat-sugar free Caramel machitto (sp):drinker: and a nonfat blueberry coffee cake ---Pit stop at starbucks, which I aM TRYING so hard to quit. . . :embarassed: Thats my treat for the week I suppose:cry: