alp_19 Member


  • Feel lame in comparison to all of these delicious looking meals but mine was still yummy. Super simple and no cooking, plus you can make a bunch ahead. Just black beans, chick peas, corn, tomatoes, avocado, and parsley.
  • This happens to me all the time in the winter! I also have Raynaud's so my circulation is poor and that contributes to the problem. When I drink cold water I can feel it making me cold inside and then it's really tough to warm up. What I do is drink warm/hot water as much as I possibly can. I can drink cold water after a…
  • I'm writing this message for tomorrow as I lay in bed. Today I ate well but didn't get outside to run because I waited too long and didn't hold myself accountable. I know it'll be cold in the morning but I'm determined to get myself out there for my long run. And now it's written down for you all so I suppose I have to.…
  • I'm working on recovering from disordered eating to a less extreme degree. Never full blown anorexia, but binging and restricting. I completely understand how terrible it is and how hard of a reality it is to break. I'm going to agree wholeheartedly with others here - you need to work with a professional if you can.…
  • Thank you for all of the feedback everyone. I guess I needed some reassurance after doing some reading online - it's easy to find all different opinions and I just found some negative ones. I'm not trying to lose a ton of weight, maybe a few pounds though I'd be totally okay if my weight stayed the same as my body gained…
  • Sorry to not respond to all of this sooner. Yesterday was a busy (but good) day. I just want to say again how grateful I am for every single post here. As an update, I stuck to my plan yesterday and didn't lose control. I baked an apple with cinnamon for my snack last night and it was filling and delicious. It fit…
  • I can't thank all of you enough. I woke up this morning feeling awful about yesterday and I was nervous about today going the same way. I reached out on here pretty desperate but I wasn't expecting to get such incredible advice and support. This was just what I needed. I'm so excited to use this advice and remind myself to…
  • I am in a very similar boat in my relationship with food. I grew up with a family that places a strong emphasis on food - holidays and get-togethers are crazy potlucks with much much more food than could possibly be eaten. I started eating unhealthy foods for every emotion/experience - celebrating, feeling sad, stressing…
  • I have the same problem with sweets and cravings. Try Special K Divine Fudge brownies. They're only 80 calories and have a good amount of fiber. Same for fiber one or other Special K snacks. There are a lot between 80 and 100 calories. You can try to save that much in your plans for the day.
  • One of my favorites is egg whites with either salsa, reduced fat cheese, or both. Egg whites are low in calories but very high in protein. So you can have a lot of them and stay full for a while. And with salsa and cheese it tastes delicious. My go to is 5 egg whites, 1/4 cup of reduced fat cheddar, and some salsa. Around…
    in Breakfast Comment by alp_19 January 2016
  • I have the Polar M400. Great for running - it has a GPS tracker that gives you speed and incline information for your whole run. Tracks other activities as well though with a bet less accuracy for exercises on treadmills or indoor gym equipment (unless you buy the heart rate monitor). Also has a goal for daily activity…
  • MFP makes news Evil squirrel plot revealed No stale nuts for them
    in Old Nuts Comment by alp_19 January 2016
  • JanetYellen - When I move out I'll definitely avoid having those kinds of cereals and other bad foods in the house. Right now I'm a college student so when I'm home for break there's always a lot of junk food and when I'm at school the dining halls always have cereals and desserts. But I'm graduating soon so I'm hoping I…
  • Thank you all. I need logical reminders to cut through my bad habits and perfectionism sometimes. You're right - having sweets isn't bad and at this point cutting them out isn't realistic at all. I think I might try planning a healthy (or even not-so-healthy) dessert for the end of the day so I have something to look…
  • Kgeyser - I've only logged two days so far because I've just joined this website but they provide a pretty good example of the difference. Good day two days ago, atrocious day yesterday. I'll open it up. It definitely might be that I'm not getting enough of other micronutrients. Would not enough fat also contribute to…
  • I love both of these! I ended up having some cherry greek yogurt and a cup of strawberries for breakfast because that sounded really good. And I love poached eggs but I've never made one myself. May need to try that this week!
  • I love the idea of having three yummy pre-made lunches. Will definitely be trying this! Thanks :smile:
  • I'm joining in now! That's one of my biggest challenges. So far my record is: Me: 1 LNS: 1 Today is still TBD. I'm feeling pretty good - should be a win for me!
  • I deal with it as well and it's gotten out of control recently. It started a few years ago (though I guess I'd been yo-yo dieting for some time before that). A few months ago I reached the point where a day without a binge felt like a victory. I'm going to get better though. I'm improving. I'm not binging every day and I…
    in Bingeing Comment by alp_19 January 2016