khmomto4 Member


  • I lost 8 my first week & a half and 2 over the next week. I quit drinking soda and of course cut my sodium way back so I figured that 8 was mostly from those changes. But 1-2 lb a week moving forward is fine with me. I figure even if I only lost 1 lb a week, I'll be 52 lbs lighter come New Year 2017! ;-)
  • Yesterday was 1 week with no soda! I was a diet soda addict for many years and in June of 2015, I gave those up. When I did, I said to myself, "I'll drink 1 regular soda a day instead." Of course I soon became addicted to the massive amount of sugar in sodas and ended up drinking 2-3 a day. So I cut them out as of last…