SteveSwanlund Member


  • 184 would give you BMI of 21+/-. Your going to want to hang some muscle on that skin and bones so I wouldn't target anything less than that. Maybe get down to that weight measure your BF and then gain some lean muscle mass while maintaining that same BF.
  • I've lost 27 lbs since halloween and have another 10 to loose. I am currently on schedule to meet my goal the first week in march. I have a BQ on May 1 that I want to have rebuilt some muscle for. My eating plan has been lower carb, moderate fats and protien, intermittent fasting 2 consecutive nights per week. I am…
  • How tall are you? What is your current BMI? How long have you been at ^^^this^^^ weight? 1 pound a week is the EN prescribed weight loss schedule. Sub 10% BF is a great goal.
  • Tangential...nice, had to google that one.No blob for me, Pic is up.