dialtone75 Member


  • Ok, so I survived. About day 4 I felt a little rough. I felt cold and weak. I was sitting in the gym and after I changed I felt like dog crap. I went home, took a nap, and felt better. Each day got easier. To help with sleep I took some melatonin or sleepy-time tea. I am now 3 weeks in and have had a couple beers here and…
  • Dole Frozen Mixed Berries w/ Pomegranate, 1/2 cup with chocolate or vanilla powder, 6 ice cubes, and 8 oz of almond milk is my current go-to breakfast smoothie. Big bag of the frozen berries at Sam's club $9.48 right now and last a while.
  • I would like to also endorse the C25k app. I am 40 and haven't run since boot camp for the Air Force 22 years ago. I used the Couch to 5k program and just completed my first 5k last weekend. I honestly never imagined I would be able to. But just like anything, small changes made this dream a reality.