StellaFont Member


  • First week done: 1) Log every thing every day 7/7 :) 2) Keep it under 25 net carbs 5/7 :neutral: 3) Only step on the scale once each week 7/7 :) 4) Drink more water than diet coke - 5/7 :neutral: Went over on carbs 2 days - but I was still under 50 both days so I'm ok with that. Got on the scale this morning for the first…
  • 11/5 was a good day - I'm really happy with that because Saturday's are normally a carb heavy, fall off the wagon kinda days. 1) Log every thing every day :) 2) Keep it under 25 net carbs ;) 3) Only step on the scale once each week (the scale makes me crazy) :) 4) Drink more water than diet coke - not even close :)
  • 11/4 1) Log every thing every day :) 2) Keep it under 25 net carbs - nope, ended the day at 31. Taco night. :( 3) Only step on the scale once each week (the scale makes me crazy) :) 4) Drink more water than diet coke - not even close :( No massive carb cravings today. Yay!
  • 11/3 1) Log every thing every day :) 2) Keep it under 25 net carbs :) 3) Only step on the scale once each week (the scale makes me crazy) :) 4) Drink more water than diet coke :) Ugh, today was hard but I made it through the day under 25 net carbs. Day 3 back on the wagon and I want carbs, lots and lots of carbs. But, I…
  • 11/2 1) Log every thing every day :) 2) Keep it under 25 net carbs :) 3) Only step on the scale once each week (the scale makes me crazy) :) 4) Drink more water than diet coke :neutral: Meh, not sure this really happened. Can I count the water in my coffee?
  • 11/1 was a good day: 1) Log every thing every day :) 2) Keep it under 25 net carbs :) 3) Only step on the scale once each week (the scale makes me crazy) - Weighed today, no getting on the scale until next Monday! :) 4) Drink more water than diet coke :)
  • I need to do this. I've been yo-yoing on and off LCHF for weeks and the only thing I've really accomplished is recognizing that one cheat meal makes me slide into a cheat day and that normally will turn into a weekend. So, my goal is to turn this WOE into a habit and it takes 30 days to make a new habit, right? Goals - 1)…
  • Nuts, Half and Half for my coffee (cutting that back, just can't seem to get rid of it completely), Salads/Green beans & cheese.
  • My mom had a cat that she nick-named Stella Fontinella. I started using a few years ago for gaming and it carried over here. :smiley: