JustBina38 Member


  • Hi, I started my journey on Jan. 5, 2016 weighing 231.5 I am 38 and 5'3"....way too much weight for my height. Lost 8.5 so far and stuck yet again. My goal is to get down to at least 150. I am a mom of two, work part time (at a desk so no help there)...who has tried many times in the past years to lose weight. Every time I…
  • I started watching calories again just over 2 weeks ago, but this time I have to make this work!!!! I am alost 40 and a mom of two small kids. Need to lose not only for myself (esteem & health) but them...I need more energy! So far down 6.5 lbs just by watching what I eat...75 lbs to go. Now to just keep myself motivated…
  • Right there with you. Started dieting many many years ago when I stupidly thought I was fat, but now know I wasn't. Everytime I lost weight I gained double. Now 38, part time worker, full time mom of 5 & 6 yr old & husband. Desperately need to lose weight for self esteem and health, not to mention have more energy for the…
  • Can't believe how your post and the last post could be me. I've dieted, walked and done Zumba (which I loved and miss..got cancelled) and tried myfitnesspal a couple times. But after starting work again sitting at a computer day after day...9 months later and 15 lbs fatter here I am again. I have to make this work this…