emmycantbemeeko Member


  • Absolutely everybody (including all the "victims" you listed) has problems that are, globally speaking, relative, so this kind of advice manages to be useless to the advised AND patronizing and insulting to the people being held up as examples of how much worse it could be.
  • Almost a pound a week is actually pretty good progress. Put all the Women's World covers that promise you can drop 22 pounds in a week and friends who did "cleanses" where they lost 9 pounds in a miserable weekend of pooping out of your head. Real fat loss is just not that fast. .5-1 pound a week is good progress for a…
  • I was on it briefly and it absolutely killed my appetite- could barely bring myself to eat even my favorite foods. That side effect only lasted about 2.5 weeks, though, then my appetite returned to normal. It did make me anorgasmic though, which is why I was only on it briefly, because... life is too damn short for that…
  • Losing weight can reduce the subcutaneous fat in your face somewhat, but beyond a certain point, the shape of your face is a product of the shape of the bones of your skull and the genetically predetermined way in which you retain facial fat. Losing fat beyond a certain point may slim your cheeks (big MAY- think of all the…
  • Seriously. Real specialty bra shops are one thing, but non-specialty often don't know anything at all. Victoria's Secret in particular is super hit or miss. The measuring technique they use is questionable, and their sales staff may or may not have the beginning of a clue. I remember trying to find a bra once at VS and not…
  • Why not just plan to have pancakes for one meal that day and adjust your other meals accordingly? An order of pancakes isn't the healthiest meal but you don't have to eat only "healthy" foods 100% of the time, you can still fit treats in to your calorie budget. If you don't go over calories, it won't ruin your progress.…
  • Welp I should be way under calories for today because my appetite for everything is suddenly gone. Blergh.
  • Everybody has a different "normal"- for some people it's every day, for others it's every 2-3. As long as you're not experiencing discomfort between BMs or difficulty passing the stool when you do go, it's probably fine. Did you also cut out caffeine, by any chance? For some people, their morning caffeine triggers a BM and…
  • You seem to have a lot of emphasis on the idea of eating "normally" and "like a fat person." Food is a morally neutral substance, and there is no "normal" amount to eat. Each person has a total daily energy expenditure determined by their size/body composition, age, gender, and activity level, as well as temporary physical…
  • This is kind of a worrisome statement. At 200+ pounds, pregnant, and walking 20K steps a day, 3000 calories could be well below maintenance level for you. If you choose to breastfeed, it will almost certainly be below maintenance for that. I'm glad you seem to feel a little more confident in yourself and that you have had…
  • Was most of that weight in the first week or two? It's not uncommon to see a big drop at first as your body drops water and glycogen, and then the loss to slow. If five weeks in you're still losing 5 pounds a week, you'd probably benefit from eating more. You don't want to lose too much lean muscle- that can sabotage your…
  • This is really variable- are you someone who historically has had a tendency towards blowout treat meals? Gone back for seconds at dessert? Eaten pizza and burgers and stirfry off the buffet? It's certainly *possible* to eat 3500 extra calories or more in a day given unlimited food and zero self-control. But you don't have…
  • I use my Aria daily (in the morning, after I go to the bathroom but before I get dressed) and it automatically goes to MFP, the Fitbit app, and Trendweight. Trendweight generally gives me a trending weight a few pounds higher than my actual weight for the day (because I pretty consistently lose- once in a while on a…
  • Thighs. I guess technically butt, but I don't really want to lose anything in my butt, so the fact that I never do doesn't bother me. I do gain and lose (slowly) in my thighs though and the (lack of) speed sometimes frustrates me. My whole upper body loses first, then, slowly, my thighs.
  • I had a friend like this growing up- she was always rail thin, and she ate nothing but junk food, so I had the idea she must have a raging metabolism. Then when we lived together in college, I realized- she ate no breakfast. She generally ate no lunch. Hungry by dinner time, she might eat an order of fries and chicken…
  • If you stopped doing enormous amounts of daily cardio and started doing what sounds like a strength program 3-4 times a week, your calorie needs likely changed pretty dramatically. You can be eating exactly to target, but if your target doesn't put you in a deficit, it's not going to make you lose weight.
  • What are your actual stats and calorie intake? You may be logging accurately (although- are you using a food scale?) but if you've calculated the wrong goal, you can accurately hit your target forever and you still won't see loss. Are you eating back exercise calories? I imagine you must be, as I can't imagine planning a…
  • Sugar-free jello- 10 calories Clementine- 35 calories These are my go-tos when I'm feeling like something sweet but not really hungry.
  • Homeopathy is based on "principles" that fly in the face of everything understood about physics and chemistry. The astronomically high level of dilution claimed in homeopathic formulas means that they are necessarily just water (before being added to whatever sugar pill or base in which they are sold). Thousands of studies…
  • Echoing the "the last thing you need with a history of stomach issues is to be self-prescribing a daily laxative" which is what this is. If stomach pain and elimination issues after internal injury and surgery are an ongoing problem, that's something to address with your doctor and your surgeon, not a weight loss forum,…
  • No, twenty pounds in two weeks is not normal, especially not with symptoms that may or may not be the flu. Go to your doctor.
  • Uh... no. I mean, you *sort* of have the idea, but... no. Your body is trying to maintain a certain osmolality of body fluids to keep your electrolyte concentrations in a particular range, above and below which is dangerous and can affect your ability to, well, stay alive. If you consume very large amounts of sodium, it…
  • Just like you can't spot-reduce, you can't spot-gain, either. Makeup can create the illusion of fuller or cheeks, although most of the tutorials you will find will be geared towards creating the illusion of the hollowness you already have. Gaining back some weight and maintaining at a higher body fat percentage is the only…
  • Drink plenty of water, watch your sodium intake. Be aware that hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle will often lead to a certain amount of unavoidable fluid retention but that it's cyclical and not representative of actual fat gain. Staying well-hydrated and avoiding excess sodium intake can help minimize it. If…
  • Ten women will give you ten different answers because different pills and different bodies interact differently. It's true that they can't *make* you gain weight, although for some people they can cause an increase in appetite, and they may temporarily change fluid balance (although likely over time you will see this…
  • I like them. I get them in bulk at Sam's Club for a reasonable price, and they're a nice change from protein bars for quick snacks at work.
  • It depends on what you mean by "awesome" and "crappy." In terms of weight loss, what matters is your caloric deficit. It is VERY easy to wipe out your weekday deficit in two days of uncontrolled eating of high-calorie foods, so it's possible to eat right at target all week and then, through eating more on the weekends,…
  • I'm a 5'4 female with a normal BMI and *I* lose weight steadily at 1450 net, and many days are higher than that. As a male, 1500 net should be your bare, bare minimum and if you're tall and obese or overweight, it should be much higher. You say you're convinced but you don't seem to understand what everyone is telling you,…
  • Everybody's different, but I find a whole-grain cereal like cheerios or some oatmeal with full-fat milk and something proteinaceous like a hardboiled egg or a serving of cottage cheese usually holds me 4-5 hours. If I'm in a really big hurry, a protein bar.