PinkCheek9498 Member


  • Thanks. Yea I am excited about the progress just wish it was as easy as it is for the hubs. And you're correct, it is going off much quicker that it went on (for the most part) My overall goal was 1-1 1/2 lbs per week. That would put me at goal by 40th Bday next year. So far, I'm ahead so we shall see. Told my husband that…
  • Thanks, I was expecting it to go quicker scale wise for him. Must be nice to be a dude. lol I'm happy for him though. It is totally noticeable on me though. Mid section isn't bloated and stretch marks have the wrinkling going on.
  • I am about to start this as well. I too have just under the 100 mark to loose, hoping this assists. Curious how it is working for others. Good luck!
  • Feel Free to add me...just now getting back into the swing of it all so I can use a little extra motivation!
  • Hi all, I found a link to this group in another thread, hope its okay that I joined. If not please disregard my information on the spreadsheet. : ) Sounds like a good place for motivation and encouragement.
  • I would love to join. Trying to find others with as much to loose as I have...close to 90lbs at the moment though. Would love some buddies...feel free to add me!
  • Starting weight:240 Goal weight:for this challenge that would be 188...overall goal is 150 Current weight:240 Total weight lost: This week's successes:I logged into myfitnesspal This week's challenges:hubby is home for the holidays and I have stopped the soda drinking. Please feel free to friend me, can use all the…