kstewart1021 Member


  • Had a great day yesterday yet slightly ambitious in my exercise goal. Parked the car and made a fairly large running loop toward town and back. Thought it may take an hour yet ended up taking 66 min with the last mile or so being on a slight upgrade. I considered walking the last 0.5 mi yet didn't. Can't say much for the…
  • I have enjoyed reading the posts here for this group. I am new to "my fitness pal" as of yesterday and am looking for some support and motivation to help spur me toward my fitness, life, and health goals! By nature, I am more of a solitary person. I am a runner, have been running since middle school. I enjoy that running…
  • Good luck in reaching your goal of getting out to exercise! I live in the mountains of WNC and the cold weather, which used to not phase me a decade ago, keeps my motivation to get out low sometimes....but once I do get out and warm up after a few, the cold doesn't phase me. We gotta try to keep up the motivation cause,…
  • Well, I must confess, all sweets are my downfall! I overdo it anytime I get around them! 3 or 4 cookies and I am just getting warmed up....I keep telling myself that I deserve it and that I am doing good b/c I am maintaining my weight (currently 151 lbs). Time to lose that 10-15lbs that keep making me feel uncomfortable.…
  • I like that smelbo! You call it "blob city", I call it feeling like a "slug"! I wish I could just save my splurges to just special occasions but it is hard.
  • Hi. I am feeling you. I am an emotional eater (at times). Eating things that are not so healthy feel good at the time yet always seem to have some guilt attached. I try to think of it as not winning every battle but trying to win the war on eating healthy, feeling good, and keeping myself motivated although I may have lost…