ForgetfoodDrinktea Member


  • 'If that was true the human race would have died out thousands of years ago!! I know it sounds rank but fact is our bodies are equipped to build immunity to bacteria like that! I'm talking clean creek water here like nature intended!' This is true... Probiotics are a very important part of older nutritional lifestyles. I'm…
  • I recently became an vegan, as did my boyfriend. My boyfriend actually gained muscle from making the switch from animal protein to plant protein. Why? I'm not sure. He still eats the same calories. Just better nutrition. I, on the other hand, am a fat vegan. I am losing weight now that I am vegan. I have not done a lot of…
  • Did humans always have instant access to food at all times? No. We use to have to hunt when we were hungry. The body needs times without food to go into a process called autophagy. Extending your fasting period without food will only lengthen the time you're in autophagy and help your body. Not eating breakfast is fine if…
  • I use a zero water filter. It's not very expensive... 30$ for two filters, and I keep it in the refrigerator. That's the secret to making the filters last longer. I live in the central us. Our water isn't too bad. I don't like fluoride or all those other trace minerals in my water though. And our water is very hard. The…