nathanclark79 Member


  • well you might laugh at this because I kind of mixed and matched all the nonsense I read in forums about the proper way to take creatine and the mythical "LOADING" Im a believer that if it doesnt hurt me than better safe than sorry so I take a 1/2 teaspoon first thing in AM before I go for a walk. I take another half…
  • its crazy I LOVE food I mean I fricken LOVE food. I used to eat like a horse. I have been like a maniac for 3 months training myself to eat better and properly and now I cant even finish plates. It should be a good thing but now that I turned into a gym maniac I have all these damn calories left over and I am wondering if…
  • Yeah I was taking six star but it was terribad. I switched over to ON pure creatine and within a week have seen astounding increases in my endurance and some pretty great increases in my overall lifting. I dont really do max outs anymore that stuff is for the college kids but I have jumped up my curls by 15 lbs and max…
  • Thanks Zella. As I explained up a couple replies I am using a mixture of my fitbit HR with MFP and Map my run. I tend to take my fitbit calculations a little more over map my run as it uses my heart rate but I am always careful to underestimate. USUALLY what I do is eat back 1/2 of my workout calories but never touch the…
  • I did change my routine and I have been really enjoying the new routines but I know I am killing it on my fibers and with the change of creatine brand I kind of feel like I have taken on a TON of water weight. I was steady losing 2 lbs+ a week and then I switched up everything and my macro percentages and boom I gained…
  • I recently switch my creatine from crappy walmart brand to 100% pure ON creatine. I switched maybe 5-7 days ago but I have seen a HUGE difference in my strength increases and endurance since switching. Ive cut my carbs down to 100-150 a day but snack on kind bars and I get tons of energy from them. I am 6'1"
  • I have a combination of using MFP app I log EVERYTHING. I measure EVERYTHING. If I cant get a absolute macro count from it (i.e. label) I dont eat it. I am using a fitbit HR for calorie burn but its pretty accurate and I underestimate my calories to be safe. I Walked,ran,jogged for 100 minutes this AM. Went snorkling for…