Rianom Member


  • Thanks. I will try to get some sodium pills. Alot of the symptoms in that post fit what I'm going through.
  • Thankyou. I didn't click on it to read but I will go check it out. New on here as far as asking others people's advice on dieting.
  • I have kept my diet very strict since January. I have stayed under 1500 calories a day for the most part. I usually eat the same foods but my fat and protein intakes are high. I do not eat breads and pasta anymore but I sure do miss them along with homemade sweets. I guess the diet maybe catching up with me. At least I…
  • Thankyou. I will try both to improve my energy.
  • Thankyou. I take a multi-vitamin, potassium, vitamin3d, zinc and fish oils daily.
  • My maintenance would be a little over 2800. I have talked to some doctors about the 1500 and they said as long as I can deal with that low of intake it is fine. I do lift weights to tone up so I haven't loss the muscle mass. I have saw people who have loss too much muscle mass and they look like they are sick. Like I said…
  • I started at 279.5 on Jan 8th and on March the 8th I was 238.0. I weigh every morning which I know some people don't like doing. My goal was 240 but I'm going to go for 10 to 20 more pounds. I would like to be at 220 since I'm 6'3.
  • I agree with you. I have some friends that do low carb and don't lose the weight like they should. They just eat too much in calories. I keep my carbs/calories low because of this reason. I do know everyone's body reacts diffrent and you just have to do what your body reacts to best.
  • Yes I have to admit it was a struggle at first cutting both intakes carbs/calories that much. It took my body 3 weeks to adjust with the cravings of wanting the food. I think I will use a more balanced approach in the future. I would like to lose another 20lbs but I do walk 3 miles a day and have started weight lifting. I…
  • Well I always have done low carb. I have dropped 41lbs since January 8th 2016. I was doing low carb and keeping calories at 1500 daily with an occasional cheat day. I'm 6'3 and 238 lbs but would like to drop my fat % now. I would have more things to eat verse the norm of mostly meat which I do love. Just wondering if the…