sjscalf Member


  • Oh man. I totally do the same thing! I will go all day, eating well (or more often not eating enough) and then the boyfriend and I get off work, and we more often then not end up getting fast food/something quick and simple. And I've put on about 60 pounds in the past year and a half. It HAS to change. I've always had the…
  • Hello, my name is Sarah. And your story sounds like I wrote it myself! I have gone up and down my whole life, then maintained a healthy weight for years, then within the past year and a half, have put on at least 60 pounds. Tried to deny the reality for a while but as clothes are fitting less and less and I am becoming…
  • Please feel free to add me if you'd like! Would love to have some friends/motivation as well! Always helps to have people to push you and keep you accountable and be there to support you.