Mottephobic Member


  • @drwilseyjr I work on my feet and play soccer once a week but otherwise am not very active. I relied mostly on calorie cutting to get to my current weight and am trying to focus more on maintaining weight and toning. I have tried a few ab sculpting regimes over the last 2 months and I feel stronger as a result but can't…
  • Nice work! I was at my lifetime max (185) a few weeks ago and I've dropped almost 8 pounds after altering my eating habits. Best of luck in achieving your goals!
  • Based on my own success I will say that while it may not matter how late you eat (before or after 6pm, 7pm etc). It does help to have a consistent eating schedule each day. This will help you to plan your meals and caloric intake more accurately. Also something that most of the users are neglecting to mention is that…