beaux62 Member


  • Beauty in Tragedy or Fault Line both by August Burns Red are two of my favorites. I love heavy stuff to keep me pumped up through my entire workout. I used to workout without music, but after the first time I tried it I never looked back :#
  • I have a couple goals that I feel confident I can accomplish in the next couple years. 1. I want to feel comfortable enough with myself where I could walk around anywhere with my shirt off and not think anything of it. The last time I could do this was 6 years ago but that was in part due to an eating disorder. None of…
  • Hey all! My name is Jordan. I saw someone posted about this around the holidays so I thought I'd join the group. I have been lifting for about a year and a half. I have a few goals that don't have as much to do with weight loss as they do with building muscle and trimming up a bit. Unfortunately I have neglected my legs…