jeff16201 Member


  • I eat my biggest meal of the day in the morning, I always include a starchy food for quick energy to get my body going for my day. Vegetables or Fruit is important also, this especially benefits someone who works out with weights pretty regularly. I add pea protein on almost everything I eat, protein helps keep us full and…
  • I know exactly what your saying about always hungry, I workout 5 days per week and I am always cooking or/and eating all the time. When we workout with weights especially we are going to gain weight , hopefully muscle weight but I have gained some unwanted belly weight myself. I try to eat more high density foods such as…
  • Motivation is the key to successfully losing weight or/and a healthy lifestyle, I am new here if there is anything I can do for you just contact me.
    in new Comment by jeff16201 January 2016