ElizabethOakes2 Member


  • I fill my plate with my portions, (weighing as I go if I have my scale handy- I don't like, take it to restaurants with me), eat what's on it, and then I put my plate in the dishwasher. Even if the rest of my family is still eating and socializing, I get rid of my plate. Then I have my glass of water, and hang out with my…
  • Have you tried the International Delight creamers? Add them to a little black coffee and you have a sweet luscious, and cholesterol free treat. What pebble4321 said, too, about making this a treat that you have once in a while is smart. I have my two cups of coffee with International Delight creamer every morning, but once…
  • I didn't see anyone else ask this so I will... Are you weighing at the same time of day? Weight fluctuates by as much as two pounds over the course of the day, accounting for water weight, food in digestion, poo, etc. Weigh yourself at the same time on the same day of the week wearing the same thing. (I opt for first thing…
  • Exactly what tomteboda said! Now, when I eat out, most foods are too salty for me. Remember that there's sodium hiding in sodas and processed foods, even in canned beans and soups, and other places where you wouldn't expect it. I LOVE the McCormick's Salt Free All Purpose and their Salt Free Garlic Pepper. Not too fond of…
  • Getting sick happens. :) Trust that your body knew what it needed to heal and move on.
  • Nutella is the devil FOOD!!!!! Especially if there are leftover buttermilk waffles in the freezer. I cannot be trusted with it. :(
  • So at 13 stone, you're solidly in the 'obese' range, so 1200 calories is a good goal for 2 pounds a week. It's harder when you're short (I'm 5' 3", so I get the struggle.) You won't go into 'starvation' mode. It doesn't really work that way. JennEph, she's the one who said she was a 'starving dieter'- You shouldn't have to…
  • How tall are you, how much do you weigh? How much weight do you have to lose? Unless you're very petite or have thyroid or other metabolism issues or are severely obese and under doctor supervision, you probably aren't eating enough. Yes, your macros should line pretty closely, otherwise, you're going to end up…
  • Heh. "You wanna know what I ate, join MyFitnessPal, friend me, and you can see my diary and maybe learn some good eating tips, too."
  • 61 pounds in 20 weeks. That puts you at losing 3 pounds a week- Too much too fast. Your goal should be no more than 2 pounds a week, unless you're dangerously obese and under doctor supervision. :) Try eating back half your exercise calories and see if that helps?
  • I saw that, too! GO FAYE! :)
  • You might try using this calculator to figure out your body frame size https://www.healthstatus.com/perl/calculator.cgi And then use the calculators on the site to figure out your ideal body weight. Remember that everyone has different body types so what fits someone else might not fit you. At 5'3, I'll be in 'normal BMI…
  • My older sister pretty much hates most vegetables, which I never understood, since she grew up eating the same garden fresh veggies I did. It turns out that she's a 'super-taster' (one of the people who thinks cilantro tastes like dirt). Broccoli, cauliflower- most of the cruciferous veggies taste terrible for her,…
  • WOOOO!!!! YOU GO! Congrats on taking on the stairs and on taking these steps to a healthier you! Your post made me wanna cheer!
  • Start slowly and be kind to yourself! Some things that helped me were: Logging what I ate for a couple weeks before I started cutting down to my weight-loss calories. This helped me really see where I was overeating, and how to cut back on empty calories and unhealthy foods. Did I really need a whole tablespoon of mayo on…
  • I hate lifting. And I hate going to the gym. I also have spinal issues that dictate how much and what muscles I lift with. BUT I also really don't want to be a shriveled weak osteoarthritic old lady whose bones snap like twigs someday. So, I have weights at home and I lift while watching TV. I think a lot of women get…
  • WOOT! Congrats on the breakthrough! That's why I have my sweet creamer in my coffee every morning. I don't need to spend all day obsessing over wanting something sweet and being disappointed that my coffee wasn't the way I like it. Life is too short to deny ourselves something that we enjoy. We just have to plan for it and…
  • I try it on. If it doesn't fit, or if for some reason, I just don't like it anymore, (tastes change!) away it goes to the donation center. My clothes should make me happy, not miserable. I budget a few dollars every month for thrift store shopping, and my rule is to only buy what fits me Right Now, not what will fit in a…
  • Rice cakes make great packing material. (I also like them with tuna salad on them.)
  • I feel your pain! Just did two weeks of physical therapy and am now in a knee brace- I'm at least back to walking, but swimming is awesome if you can get to a pool. Lifting can be done sitting- There's some great videos on Youtube- Look for "chair workout"! Also, Yoga!
  • I used to work in a professional test kitchen- I can 'eyeball' almost all vegetables and meats to the quarter-ounce. My husband actually challenges me. "I have ten berries here, how many grams is that gonna be?" I need to start betting money on it!
  • You're 19, 5'3, and weigh 109 pounds? That puts your BMI at 19.3, at the very low end of 'normal weight', almost to underweight. I'm really concerned that you would try to cut your calories down to 1200 to lose weight. As to working out, you should be taking at least one or two rest days a week to let your body recover. If…
  • Sounds like you've got a healthy solid plan worked out! Remember that nutrition matters, too. Keep your proteins, fats, and carbs balanced to stave off hunger and fuel those long walks. And don't listen to what beautifulwarrior said- you're doing all the right things. Start slow and build on a solid base, and you'll…
  • Flavor infused vinegars and olive oils. We're rather fortunate here in that we're very close to wine country, so excellent infused vinegar is easy to find. Going low-sodium/low-carb/low-fat for our household meant trying to find new ways to flavor food, especially since we've tripled our veggie consumption. The Olive Press…
  • Someone who can quote Ginsburg. Be still my beating heart... But to the OP, no one else cares what you can press. Start small and build slowly, and make sure you're eating enough protein to build the muscle you want. Even if you start with 5 pound weights and slowly increase reps and weight, you'll build and get stronger.…
  • Healthier food doesn't have to be more expensive. Maybe offer that you'll take over cooking and shopping three days of the week? Not sure how your parents health is, but also maybe express concern about them eating healthier? The other alternative, like someone else mentioned, is be responsible for your own meals. Mom's…
  • Log at 1600 for a couple weeks, and see if you're losing weight. If not, cut out a 100 daily calories per week until you start seeing loss. 1200 may not be necessary at all- you could find yourself in good loss at 1400, especially if you're exercising. :)
  • I'm 5'3, 46 years old, and started with seriously sedentary lifestyle following a back surgery. I started at 1200 + half exercise calories (doctor recommended and supervised) until I got down out of the obese BMI category. I admit that when I first tried the 1200 he wanted me to do, back in May of last year, I went nuts…
  • It's not my place to judge anyone based on their weight, fitness level or anything else. I don't know their struggles or the problems that they're facing, and frankly, neither does anyone else. My frustration is when I see my overweight friends doing crash-dieting or falling for expensive cleanses because they are so…
  • We usually order pizza from a local indie restaurant with no calorie information. I've actually taken a slice, broken it down into the different toppings and weighed it, so that I have a fairly accurate estimate. I refuse to give up pizza entirely, but it's a 'treat', once a month, maybe, not the staple that it used to be.