Kazzy68 Member


  • Thanks @nutmegoreo and drdst91 I had never thought of the oat bars used to eat a breakfast oat bar every day Janet my mum still smokes and I'm not bothered when she smokes its the hour after that gets me the stale smell lol. Oh and thanks congratulations to you to haven't had a night out yet since quitting so think that'll…
  • @lilawolf sorry missed your message my percentages are 50% carbs 30 fat and 20 protein. @nutmegoreo what protein powder do you use if you don't mind my asking all the ones I've had taste like cardboard. Although am I trying just to do everything with unprocessed foods and drinks. As I'm getting my taste buds back after…
  • I don't use sugar substitutes after a catalogue of problems I've experienced not saying any body else shouldn't use them. Just for me there a no no.
  • I know I don't get enough protein and my fibre is on the dodgy side too. I'm working on eating more dairy for protein but have a love hate relationship with dairy and I've just finished research high fibre foods.
  • Thank you, I'd never really worried before about sugar but recently (due to news and various media's) started getting concerned. And to be honest with my experience of doctors I'd rather ask other dieters and get healthy champions. Do you have any other tips for weight loss? Now I've hit mid 20's seem to be struggling…