z85silver Member


  • I did not say i quit alcohol just Beer (never again) My girlfriend gained weight on Wine yes Wine is just as fattening as beer the only difference is Beer also has Carbs. I have the occasional Vodka and Cranberry juice
  • One day at a time, i decided on Jan 2nd that i was going to make a change i have not had any beer (my favorite vice) since or anything with sugar, my main food has been fruit of all kinds and Whey protein i am down 17 lbs in 30 days. And i do take spin classes a couple of times a week. Once you make up your mind go for it…
  • As far as sugar goes i just drink my coffee straight up black it took about 1 week to get used to it now i couldn't imagine my coffee any other way.
  • I have lost 11 lbs since the 3rd of January i have quit all alcohol (boy i love my beer) and i also quit all sugar and i have started spinning class and run the neighborhood several times a week . I have also pretty much quit most Carbs. My issue is that although i am loosing weight by beer gut has not budged. I know it's…