GeoffTKirk Member


  • Add me as a friend, if you like. We're all in this together!
  • Hi Amy, congrats on deciding to get healthy! Best advice is to; 1. Drink only water (2-4 litres a day!) 2. Get lots of sleep 3. Eliminate processed food as much as possible, in favour of fruits, veggies, and meats. 4. Get active, doing something you enjoy! I know it seems like a huge task, but start small. Don't stress…
  • It's possible that due to the extreme reduction in your energy intake, your body is in starvation mode. Be careful not to reduce to harshly as you can do some metabolic damage. On the bright side, if you are gaining muscle, that will help to positively affect your metabolism. ☺️
  • Awesome attitude! Life gives you what you put out! If either of you are looking for peeps to journey with, go ahead and add me. Always good to have positive people around! :)
  • How are you loosing weight? If it's just diet/cardio it could be that your loosing a lot of muscle, which could account for weight loss without a lot of changes in size.. Have you tried strength training? If your interested in changing body shape, weight training is often the most effective way to accomplish that goal.…
  • Hi Jamie! Awesome job so far, I'll go ahead and add you, so that we can help motivate each other. I am just getting back in, and looking for peeps to share the journey with ☺️
  • Hi Carol, feel free to add me as a friend. I am trying to get back into the habit of using MFP, and staying healthy ☺️ Hope your healthy journey is going well!
  • Hey guys, I was doing pretty well, but took a couple months off and am trying to get back on the horse. Feel free to add me, always good to have accountability ☺️
  • I'm just getting back in, and never have used the social feature. Would be good to connect with some fellow MFP's. Feel free to add me!