Auntieodie Member


  • I had a hard time this weekend, but toughed it out!! Such beautiful weather, I felt like being outdoors, BBQing and having a few, it was SO hard!!! I stayed active, pushed the limits with the calorie intake, but all in all it was an OK weekend. I miss my booze! My challenge is to hang in there at least until May 16th (I've…
  • Hang in there everyone!!! So nice to see people sharing and supporting each other. I find it challenging to not replace booze with food, especially sweets...sugar withdrawal!!! On a positive note, I'm clear headed and more focused at work despite the sleepless nights. Let's just get through today!
  • First time posting/ checking out a forum. I had a dry April, except for 1 night as it was my bestie's b-day (50th) and she had a wine tasting. One night, not so bad considering I was drinking 4-5x per week and often close to a bottle. Committed to staying dry until May 16, I'll then be on back to back business trips until…