This is me. it's worked so well because I used to think I NEEDED to eat first thing in the morning but all it did was start the hunger hormones that had me hungry all day. IF stopped that by delaying those signals and gave me a hard cut off so I don't late night snack anymore which stopped the mindless eating.
Not a day goes by that I don't LOVE MY TOOL. I've lost 90lbs and am only 15 lbs from a truly healthy BMI. I wish I'd done it sooner so my last pregnancy hadn't been so unhealthy, but I'm glad I'm healthy now and I'd do it again 100 times over if I had to.
I got a baseline right before surgery since I'm 36, my mom was 47 when she got breast cancer, and I knew I'd have some big changes coming up.
I'm always molesting men in uniform ;) I'm only 4 weeks post-op, but my period came right on time and I think I'm ovulating now so another period in 14ish days.