4lbs down this week!
Addition of kombucha day #1
Our probiotic is vsl#3. I've taken that one for quite some time and love it
Jan- I saw that Indian drink at Giant. Interesting.
My synergy bottles are staring at me in the fridge
Ahh!! Stay tuned!
How much would one drink to make beneficial? One bottle or glass a day? Going to get renewal at rw farmers on 14th. Will try the grocery ones til then! Thanks!!
Id love to ADD a fermented food to every meal. Even if it's a forkful. It's something that I've always wanted to do for my gut. Any recipes or places to get good fermented foods? Sauerkraut zach does so I can start there. What about kombucha?
Gorgeous out! Will be taking griffin for a walk after he wakes up!
Wow! Today's deadlift and sled push.. Phew!! How much do the sleighs weigh before weights are on them at wyo? I'm pretty sure I was going uphill every time I pushed it back ; )
Great video! Have to admit I didn't know where it went! Eat less.. Move more.. Breathe
This workout looks amazing!
Love the pretend bite you have all ready!!
I'm also very excited to give this a try. It is not something I have tried before. On looking forward to this tomorrow!
Sure does! Max weight 15 lbs! : )
Steph is here! Excited to really feel great post baby for me and for Griffin : ) Excited to start at Wyo fitness tomorrow and get my strength back! :)