bajaco Member


  • Well, I see I wasn't missed. Lol. Oh well. Due to an injury (or three,lol) from playing hillbilly frisbee I've been down and out for the last week. But I think I'm ok to get back at it. But I'm starting off small, slow, and steady. On a bright note, I still lost some weight!!
  • Day 11/94!! I did it, just didn't post. We went and got bridesmaids dresses and for kicks and giggles i tried on the "momma dress". I grabbed my size which was a 24, and then had to go back for a smaller size. An 18!! I was happy because I know by the time her wedding rolls around i will be a smaller size!! #noweddingwaddle
  • I did it #noweddingwaddle 10/94. So I downloaded the app UA record and was quiet surprised that I wasn't giving myself enough credit for my lil 'ol mile walk. I went from guessing that I only burned 130 calories to a definite 474 calories. I did add an extra half mile. But still that's a big difference. I'm really happy…
  • Ok sorry I've been gone for a few days. I promise I haven't slacked on my challenge. It's been 9 days since the first day of summer (6/20) and I have walked at least a mile everyday. Yesterday I added a half of mile more. I am really proud of myself. I can feel the difference in my energy level. I am even looking forward…
  • I did it!! Day 4/ mile 4. #noweddingwaddle Thanks for joining me and keeping me accountable!!
  • I did it. Day 3- mile 3!! #noweddingwaddle
  • I did it! #noweddingwaddle
  • I decided to go with it lol. Maybe help me to be more accountable for myself. Lol.
  • Accidentally posted new challenge instead of replying to a challenge. How do I delete this