18nrahmat Member


  • Sleep effects everybody in all sorts of ways. It doesn't only effect your working out stamina but in general. Being sleep deprived will effect your grades, personality, emotional and physical health too. That's why sleeping is important. Sleeping is recovering from all sorts of illnesses and it makes you healthier. "By…
  • Taking supplements depends on if you're working out or if you're not. According to research, if you aren't working out or isn't following what's needed when you're taking the supplements, you could become more fatter, unhealthier, kidney strain and low quality nutrition. My parents take supplements because as they are…
  • Choose two "fad" diets. Compare the two diets, and discuss why or why not each of these diets is/is not a healthy choice. The diets you choose do not have to be "weight loss" diets, but could also include "healthy lifestyle" diets. The definition of a fad diet is that it is supposed to show amazing results in a couple of…
  • What is your Target Heart Rate? How do we calculate it, and why is it important? My target heart rate is about 170 beats per minute, though at the moment it's about 150 to 160 beats per minute. Especially when I'm doing cardio workouts. So to find your heart is by taking your pulse for six seconds and then multiply the…
  • interval training is a type of training that uses cardio workouts. interval training is important for you to build up stamina and also to tone your whole body. I will incorporate interval training with all of my workouts whether it's leg days, core, or arm days. It's important and it's used as a warm-up before any of your…
  • Sofea: This is a really good workout regime. I totally believe that this could work and I think that besides all the diet and working out, the steps on becoming better is also by flexibility. I think I need to put that in my workout plan!
  • 1) To become more fitter. I feel like since I haven't done any sports recently, going to the gym would help me loads. I would like to improve my body by making it more toned and lose body fat by gaining muscle mass. I started last semester and I'm still working on it. Not only am I trying to work on getting more fit by…