18jgarsjo Member


  • Scientists know that enough sleep is needed in order to function at 100%, mentally and physically. Your mental health is greatly affected by the amount of sleep you get. In order to do the best you an during the day, its recommend to get at least seven hours of sleep and no more than twelve because sleeping more than…
  • What are the benefits of keeping your body hydrated? How much water should one consume during an average day? Do you drink enough water? What food and beverages might be detrimental to keeping your body hydrated? At least 60% of the adult body is made of it and every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning.…
  • The Five Bite Diet: On this diet, you skip breakfast, but eat whatever you want for lunch and dinner, but only five bites of it. You’re basically depriving yourself of food to lose weight and although eating food in smaller portions is okay, but you should round out your diet with nutrient-dense foods and you need to give…
  • To calculate your target heart rate, count your pulse for ten seconds and multiply that by six. You want your target heart rate to be within 50-85% of your maximum heart rate. In order to find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. Your target heart rate is important because it tells you if you are exercising…
  • 1. I would like to make exercising more of a daily routine, and because I didn't have a personal fitness class last semester I feel like I haven't exercised as much as I could have. I overall just want to become more fit and hopefully make exercise more of a habit. 2. I'll create an individual workout that includes all the…