I dont think there is anything wrong with schizophrenia. But it is quite rude to assume or declare someone that you dont know has a specific illness based on what theyve written in one forum - Ive already given reasons for the symptoms and challenges I have with food and mentioned my doctor at least once. There was no…
Take away, sugar, chips, instant stuff like macaroni.
Um what? I have several diagnoses. Schizophrenia has never been one of them or considered because it does not fit at all and also thats super rude.
Yes im socially fairly high functioning (when im around people) but its very draining and my recovery time can be quite long after socialisation. My main other issue is the sensory stuff. Im extremely sound sensitive. I have tinted glasses because of light sensitivity and between my pain and autism im quite sensitive to…
Cant add chicken im vegetarian lol. I dont entirely understand the NDIS but it is on the list of things to ask my doctor about when I see her next week, as well as disability community support. IDK what community services there are around here but I know the CMHT was pretty *kitten*. So my expectations are fairly low. My…
Lactose intolerance doesnt neccessarily mean cant have any dairy - its not anaphalaxis. Cheese is often actually quite a low percentage lactose. Like mild cheddar is 0.0-2.1% lactose.. I can tolerate small amounts. And my tolerance is lower when my immune system is struggling so I have to judge it day by day. Not sure If I…
Or maybe I can bribe her into making me a massive batch of soup since I dont have a blender atm (or i do but its a tiny one I use for nuts and butterbean mash)
My sister is a really good vegan. Might see if she can help me with meal planning coz shes also a good cook. My go to soup used to be leek and parsnip but I cant find the recipe anymore and the ones Ive found are for it with just chopped up bits of leek and parsnip in it and the one I liked had it all blended together so…
God yes. the bloat struggle is real. Walking around afterwards and I feel huge. Even being overweight i dont really have the big stomach thing but it pops out after I eat and I feel so uncomfortable and like there is so much pressure. Even if its not a big meal. Ive got peanut butter. Im going to try adding it to yoghurt…
Oh I forgot to say - I hate frozen vegetables. Its gotta be fresh or at least refridgerated steamer packets. I have frozen edamame and im gonna see if I can tolerate that but frozen vegetables i generally even if i cook them and try to eat them just cannot deal with the flavour and texture. The soup is a good idea. I used…
Ive been tracking my food for a long time on and off (years). And Ive had multiple doctors checking it as well and all tell me im not eating enough. Im obsessively detailed about my logs. I am certain they are acurate. Cashew nut stirfry is stir fried vegetables with a few cashews chucked in and some chilli jam. Omg no the…
I dont have one but have been looking at recipes for one so I might once i have some money to spare. In terms of what I can eat: Most vegetables EXCEPT: Capsicum, cucumber, olives, and i can only have limited amounts of nightshades because its apparently bad for my inflammation levels or something. Im not 100% sure but it…
These are not excuses btw - I was a healthy weight before this medication. I was super messed up and sick, but I was a healthy weight. I also knew this was a possible side effect and didnt want to take it but doctors in hospital forced me to take it, then when they discharged me I had to continue taking it because stopping…
It causes metabolic dysfunction. It also alters the way hunger signals work in your brain but because ive been a one meal a day person for so long even with hunger signals going crazy and intense carb cravings I tended not to exceed 1000cal. Struggling to eat now Is also a result of the medication - because of how it…
Trigden. Antipsychotics. They can really *kitten* your *kitten* up. And im one of those people who when their body reacts to a medication, it doesnt half *kitten* it. This particular medication is notorius for weight gain as it alters your metabolism and causes insulin resistance. I think the stats on it are like 1 in 3…
I dont have insurance - Im in Australia though so medicare is pretty good (although the current government is really doing its best to *kitten* that up). Im also on the disability pension so its not like I can afford insurance anyway. I have been looking into trying to get some sort of government funded support worker who…
the takeaway I would get would generally be stir fries - avoid rice... things like a cashew nut stirfry.
Similar but with more frequent take away because of the whole not being able to prepare food a lot but I actually dislike takeaway so that was pretty easy to give up.
After I eat im physically exhausted, like everything i have goes into eating that meal. Eating a meal earlier than dinner is impractical if I want to do something with my day. Small meals I can manage. If I go out to eat with my family its a real struggle to stay concious and be able to move around after eating.
Im hoping to see a qualified nutritionist (or is it a dietician which is the one with proper qualifications?)... will speak to my doctor on the 18th about it. There are so many contributing factors that just make this all harder. Like sometimes being too weak to even be in the kitchen so I just dont eat, or my lungs or…
my logging is right. I struggle to eat more. And an issue with my stomach means that whenever I eat a full meal i get nauseas, sometimes throw up and struggle to breathe (waiting to see a specialist but I think the issue with my intestines and stomach means that when I eat they press up against my lungs and make it even…
And i worry that eating a low cal diet is not helping my system normalise with the insulin resistance and metabolic issues and such that the meds have caused