furylabs Member


  • I couldn't get rid of the bloat around period time. But the rest of the time diuretics like ceylon black tea and coffee helped in conjunction with very low sodium diet and lots of water. Does the trick for me and the boyfriend. Let us know if that helps at all! But you have to be serious about the low sodium thing for a…
  • Is that the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred challenge? I did that 7+ years ago and have never been that fit in my life. I really miss that feeling. Maybe I should take this challenge too :-p
  • Matcha powder on a (relatively) empty stomach makes me nauseated. Caffeine/acids do it for me. How much of that are you using? Someone recommended making your smoothie using only two ingredients next time to see what you tolerate well and what you do not tolerate. Sounds like a good plan to me!
  • I was thinking the same thing! :-p Maybe cook some chicken breast along side the tomato and feta? :D
  • Wrist based? I've never used one. I only have experience with the chest strap style. But if it works for you - awesome! They are a useful tool, no doubt :)
  • Thanks! I will try to add more water then... I don't sweat until midway with my workouts and I do only notice it at the start. I will check out GymTimer, sounds useful. Lastly, I totally agree with the data geek thing :D In fact... I wish I had even more gizmos for collecting even MORE data! :-p
  • Hi! Any chance you know the exact number/model of yours? Maybe I should have bought a gently used older Polar HRM?!
  • Hi Hornsby. Do you mind my asking the reason for watching your heart rate in specific? Sometimes I find if I push too hard I start getting very uncomfortable heart palpitations, mostly when I am underslept, but I don't like to push it. I find my preferred zone just under that.
  • That's awesome! I love mine is just a bit of a dud.
  • I know Polar has a good reputation and the one I owned several years ago worked really well... so it sucks to think they may not be as quality manufactured anymore. I can't really afford anything else, I'm afraid. Will have to send it in for a replacement if it keeps acting funny (always fun to have your HRM stop working…
  • Yes! I am a night owl. But I find I get my best workouts in before 2pm. Weird how that goes! I used to prefer evening workouts... but they just aren't as productive (half as productive at best).
  • I should note that I am currently correcting a low iron status - my family thinks it is this, however I have been supplementing long enough to notice a huge improvement on that front. But do you think it could still be playing a role in recovery/time to clear (from brain fog)?
  • Thanks to each of you for your reply - it really helps hearing from others! I normally choose to have oatmeal before a workout. Plain oatmeal with 1% milk and a teaspoon of brown sugar. I noticed that if I add nuts instead of sugar - I feel more stable during the workout.
  • Just wanted to add that I just don't drink while trying to cut. I will have a glass of wine on Saturday but anything more and I feel guilty about the empty calories. Just me, though. Everyone else is different.
  • Right now I am doing good every single day of the week - but once my Saturday arrives, I really feel the need to make it a treat day. With that said... I need to make it a treat meal - not entire day LOL. Last Sat I had pancakes for breakfast and fried chicken for dinner - I felt awful after! Lol. So I think a treat meal…
  • Hey coachcusto! I would be more than happy to be a motivational contact. Just give me a shout if you are interested. I am fairly new to this forum but I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now. Nice to meet you!
  • I believe it is the quality of the carbs that matter. You always want to choose the healthy carbs and you want to have them earlier in the day. However, I do know that some people opt to start their diet/workout plan by completely eliminating carbs or at least having very very little carbs. Seems to help some people. I…
  • Hi everybody! :) I can very much relate to feeling the blahs during that time of the month. However, I just keep reminding myself that *any* exercise will make the cramps (or the depression!) much easier to tackle. I usually motivate myself by promising to workout for at least 10 minutes - and then assess where I am at -…