melindat72 Member


  • @Sparkymel We really do have this. I cut out soda 18 mo ago when I was getting heartburn constantly. Don't miss is at all. Wish I could go back to my 20's and teach myself what I know now. :-)
  • What has helped me is that I love to read, so when I am on the treadmill I read a book. I workout on the treadmill for 45 min. a day. The only time I can read is when I am working out. It keeps me going especially if I am reading a good book. Could you do this on the bike? Workout buddy?
  • SO glad that I found this thread!! I am a 43rd year old with 2 kids 11 and 13. Single full time Mom with Full time job. Somedays I feel the insecurity that I have with my body. 3 years ago lost all of it, went through a divorce and lost my way with exercising and eating healthy. Now I am back and just can't lose it. I am…