megggpie94 Member


  • Hi everyone! I'm back to report my day! Date: 2/5 Vitamin: Yes! Water (8+): a bunch Exercise calories burned: 520 Stayed under calorie goal: Yes Goal weight for 3/1: 205 Current weight week of 2/1: 214 Gain/loss vs last week: loss Current strengths: I currently am loving the way I feel! And it makes me want to keep going…
  • Hi everyone! This is my first post on the community part of MFP! My name is Megan! A few years ago my brother passed away.. Within the 2 years I went from 125 lbs to my heaviest of 228 lbs with emotional eating. I am now ready to shed the emotional weight I packed on and get back to being healthy and happy! Date: 2/4…