ikraz55 Member


  • Its possible you have a metabolic disorder, absorption disorder or a parasite. If you're really eating a lot more than your maintenance levels, always hungry, and still not gaining weight I would definitely tell a doctor, who might refer you to a specialist like a gastroenterologist.
  • Body shaming is a horrible source of motivation. If you want to gain weight or change your body, do it because YOU want to do it, or because your doctor says it's causing you health problems. Doing it just because you aren't living up to what random people are thinking is a 100% recipe for failure. If people are shaming…
  • 40% calories from protein sounds pretty high. Most guides I've read suggest that even if you are trying to gain lean muscle, your body can't incorporate more than roughly 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight, and that carbs are better for gaining weight. I think aiming for 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein would be a…