nycsimone Member


  • Yes OTF is a bit expensive. I pay $149 per month for unlimited. I go probably 15-16 times per month so it's around $8-9 per class. Yes, I could go to any other gym for $20-40 per month but I can guarantee you I wouldn't go as often and I wouldn't be as productive. I've tried all the gyms out me! After going…
  • If you do a quick search online you'll see the general consensus is that the calorie burn during the class is pretty accurate, the thing that is usually inaccurate is how much you burn after the class with EPOC. OTF says you can burn up to 20% additional 36 hours after your class but studies have shown the average to be…
  • I've been going for 2 months and have lost about 15 pounds. During my first class I got into the Orange by just jogging at 4.5mph and today I have to get up to 6.5mph to get into the Orange. I usually get 15-20 splat points and burn 900-1000 calories per workout. I like OTF because it motivates me. I've always hated…