RStoken Member


  • Great job team! I'm excited for week 2!
  • Thanks for the encouragement Fey1. This team is awesome!
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just danced on dance central for over an hour and my Fitbit only gave me a 350 calorie adjustment. I'm at 1722 now so I'm not gonna make the bonus. Sorry team.
  • That smart water bottle sounds wonderful. Definitely checking into it!
  • Much better both today and yesterday and have gotten a lot of exercise but I'm still only at 1300. I'm curious how others doing on the 3500 calories from exercise.
  • 2nd migraine day in a row. Not getting my exercise. I'm gonna have to do some serious make up the 2nd half of the week to get the bonus.
  • Thanks for welcoming me. As far as appetite swings, mine range from Healthy/strong appetite to ravenous!
  • Yippy!!! Great job everyone!!!
  • What about this morning??? Am I too late. It just clicked for me that January ended yesterday. I had a crazy week.
  • Hello, Name: Reyna Age (range if you don't like specifics): 46 Where are you from: Kalispell, MT Starting/Goal/Currrent weight: 180/179/155 How long have you been on MFP? Off & On 2 years What exercise do you enjoy? Walking, hiking, Just Dance & Dance Central on XBox What exercise would you like to try: racket ball…
  • Jane, let me just say...WOW! I don't know if I can even introduce myself now :-)