bg_tk123 Member


  • My biggest issue right now is losing a little bit more off my tummy area ... Was told to take a vit C supplement right after a good work out because it helps burn excess fat ...
  • Hey I'm a foodie too .. I love food .. But I have been able to cut back on portion and amount threw the day ... As for weight lifting ah no worries Google helps and if you can get a trainer for a week that would help .. My boyfriend use to body build so I am lucky there .. I ask people at the gym too they seem nice enough…
  • I am a runner .. I run about an hour a day .. And just getting into weight lifting too ..
  • Omg any good ideas for when your craving sweets
  • I have been active for the last 5 years but had a rough spot and gained a bit of weight .. Been at the gym and feel like I'm Platoing ugh .. Now I have to change it up ...
  • Hey ... I'm right there with ya .. Working my butt off and sometimes I feel it's not working