Which part of town?
A quote by Dr. Seuss: "The ones who matter don't mind, and the ones who mind don't matter." This is your life NOW, do what makes you feel happy and alive and confident and healthy. Be who you are, and the guy who is _good enough for you_ (not the other way round!!!!) will show himself. :) Dating is tricky; as mercenary as…
Friend me...I am at 191 with goal weight of 150. I am doing my best to set free 1 pound per week by tracking all my food, drinking water, avoiding fast food, and reasonable exercise.
This has been helping me; my brother found it online.
- this is a list of foods that are high in potassium from U. of Louisville
I am 43 and looking to lose 20-25 lbs for Phase 1 Goal. I would like to be added.