blp66 Member


  • I don't know how to actually join this. I'm 49 hoping to be down 30 pounds (40 would be even better!) by the time I turn 50 in November. I already like MFP so much more than anything I've ever tried before. Such a great sense of support with these groups and friends you make to cheer each other on and pick each other back…
  • I also have a hard time getting myself moving after work. I'm tired! It has helped when I've been able to do a 30 minute walk instead of lunch while I'm at work. I also just joined a 30 day challenge for squats and planking and set my phone to alarm about the same time I get home in the evening. Once I pour a glass of wine…
  • Hi. I'm going to be 50 in November. I would really love to lose 40 pounds by then. I've done Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers(a hundred times, I bet), South Beach, Atkins, keto, 17 day diet, and a bunch of other things. Starting to feel like I am never going to get a handle on it. I lost 30 pounds a few years ago and watched…
  • Add me please! I'm new to MFP. I would like to see 30 pounds off by the time I turn 50 in November.