ng123ng Member


  • Stop thinking about food in general. When you start thinking about food, decipher if its true hunger or just boredom or habit. Set a timer for 20 minutes and preoccupy your mind until it goes off. If you're still craving food, then eat. If not, do something. Draw, color, go outside, read, etc...I find if I start thinking…
  • For his sake, I hope he finds better than you. Just because you got healthier, doesn't mean he's ready to or WANTS to. Physical appearance only means so much, don't let your body improvements get to your head.
  • Thank you! I wrongly entered my start weight and it was discouraging seeing a .6 lb loss when it was really 2.6 lb loss.
  • I've been on every single fad diet. Every version of Hydrocycut, Herbalife, Liposene, Plexi, 1234 diet, a weird acv mixed with cinnamon "detox," Jillian Michaels weight loss kit, omnihealth, appitite control pills, green tea pills, xantrix, skinny girl weight loss, raspberry key tones, acai berry pills, slimfast, other…