bmsowers Member


  • Stephi: I wouldn't think that low of calories would be healthy for you at this time. I am doing macros for fat loss, and at my lowest stage of calorie intake (to lose weight) is 1370. I am 42 years old, currently weigh 125 and am 5'7". I have lost about 25 lbs in the last 4 months - and have been completely satisfied with…
  • I normally have oatmeal, high protein peanut butter, salads, chicken breast, turkey, ground sirloin, tuna, cottage cheese, low calorie bagels/english muffins, popcorn, reduced fat cheese, etc. I don't find it hard to find options that fit a 1200 calorie a day diet, but I am having trouble sticking to just 1200 calories :)
  • I have been eating at 1200 calorie range (and hitting specific macro goals) and having a difficult time getting the scale to move. I am sedentary 9-10 hours a day at a desk job, and limited to 45 mins to 1 hour of exercise 4-5 days a week. I am just now trying to break away from my job at least 20-30 minutes each day for a…