

  • I'm at a 7 day stall! Burned 8,139 and been eating well. I hope to see a drop very soon.
  • Will do! I had a great last week.
  • I'm happy to say that I surpassed all my goals.. Day 7: 1,110 Burn, Total7,721. Down -4.6 pounds
    in DAY 7 Comment by specialdtp May 2012
  • Thursday day 4. 916 burned, Total 5636. Goal achieved. Down 2.8 pounds. I'll keep at it, it would be nice to see a 5 pound loss for the week. I final figured how to change the ticker to my starting weight on 4/24/12.
    in DAY 4 Comment by specialdtp May 2012
  • Total burn for today 1303. Included walking 8.5 mile, jumping jacks & situps I'm ready for tomorrow!
    in DAY 3 Comment by specialdtp May 2012
  • 5/2- 210.4, Down -1.4 Going for my morning walk. Have a great day!
  • Food goal 1200, ate 939. Burned 1102 I'm on a roll!
    in DAY 1 Comment by specialdtp May 2012
  • Food Goal:1200 Actual:939 - 1102Burn -163 net I walk in the morning and evening, over 7 miles today & jumping jacks.
    in DAY 2 Comment by specialdtp May 2012
  • 5/1- Weight 211.6. My ticker doesn't reflect my loses yet. I joined back in July but only used the site a few times. I was weighing less back then. I've gained & lost & regained. you know the story. Thankfully I'm back on track! Time to do it.
  • April 30th, my day is done! Calories In 1440, Calorie Burned W/walking 1047. My left foot is trying to get a blister on the ball part. I hope it doesn't slow me down to much. I'm on a mission.