Sounds like he is not ready to change. There isn't much you can do about that. The pragmatic part of me hopes you have good life insurance. Sorry if that is morbid. My morbidly obese relatives have been dropping like flies lately. :/
I don't keep snacks in my desk. If they aren't there, I can't overeat them. I also don't bring change to work so that I can't make trips to the vending machine. It seems to work for me. My company does have free coffee, tea and hot choc. I take advantage mid afternoon occasionally.
I just buy non-food products.. Toilet paper, garbage bags, laundry detergent, etc. Even as a family of four, we don't go through most things fast enough to warrant bulk purchasing.
I tried Hello Fresh a couple of times. I liked that all ingredients were premeasured without any leftovers. The taste was good overall, and I tried a few things that I would never have thought of on my own. Ultimately i cancelled because the meat was lower quality than I am used to. They do have all of their receipes free…
Some of the people followed have Facebook or Twitter accounts. I check in on Amber Rachdi from season 3 from time to time. She's still going strong. Very happy for her. :)
I buy all of my non food items there - detergent, dishwasher soap, trash bags, toilet paper , diapers, etc It's nice to only need to buy these once every couple of months. I don't pay attention to prices though.