oh nice, i didn't realize there were people on MFP who watch John's videos! he's a very inspiring and humble guy.
yeah why not!
it's crazy! i thought the same thing. but everybody has their own set of things going on when it comes to being out of the gym. thanks for the add :)
i can only hope my cut this year is as successful as yours! brilliant progress man
awesome! congratulations on your hard-work and progress and i hope you continue to break what-ever fitness / life-goals you find next!
thanks for the replies, i've added you both on MFP. i'll add you on PSN as well when i get home!
a half decent tan via enough UK sun-light
banana fritters soaked in a honey-sauce, with optional ice-cream :# this stuff is too tempting not to pass up at my favourite restaurant..
i conquered my fear of heights by climbing in to my house-mates second story window, he accidently locked him-self out and i was feeling a little risky. truth be told though, i've never hugged a wall so close in all my life..
very Ryan Dunn beard and glasses imo
protein and oats
very kind dude
that looks half-decent!
missing head!
i'd say i'm more agitated when i'm away from the gym, after the gym i'm way-way more energetic and up-lifted
arm bands