Skyle33 Member


  • Counting calories means no worries. You'll never have to second guess yourself, so you can sleep at night knowing you're making gains. This is the best app for that (as long as it isn't just iifym)
  • ^ yes. Just do it, and stop doing it
  • Few options. Never go somewhere hungry if you know there will be food. Look in the mirror before you feast or picture it. Just make a good conscious decision that you know you will thank yourself for later. Remind yourself that in order to keep your banging body, you can't eat what other/average people eat. Remember the…
  • Looking good without clothes is what gets me. Along with having to nitpick to exploit my flaws. Seeing progress even if its not day to day. Feeling better and more energized in general, all excuses to keep a healthy lifestyle. Oh and I almost forgot, looking good naked and turning heads on the beach.
  • I like both of those, they make me want to fix my cheat meals up a bit to be more of a caloric surplus with proper nutrients rather than my usual super high fat, high carb meal. But you let loose sometimes especially since I keep drinking to a minimum.
  • You already know it's all mental, I can relate even though its not my sweet tooth, its my savory/fat tooth. If you stick to a routine and plan your meals, you will crave less and have a much easier time. I don't know if your doctor said anything about occasionally "cheating", which is what I do once a month and grab a nice…
    in Help! Comment by Skyle33 February 2016
  • Def agree with 200 being a little high. Anywhere between .7 to 1 times your (lean) body mass is great. I put lean in parentheses because not everyone knows their lbm but if you do, its a better approach. The easiest way to be protein is definitely by shakes. I have to get 265 grams a day, and 120 come from two double scoop…
  • I just realized out there was a community portion of this app. I've only used it to tracks nutrients, so I'm down to participate in motivation and stuff