SarahR0811 Member


  • When I first started Crossfit, I made gains pretty fast since I was out of shape. It was probably a solid year or so before I got to where I was for lifts. I've been at 100 lbs for a power clean for three years now. Back squat finally went up 20 lbs. it definitely slows down as you go on in time but that just means you…
  • That's why I chose Crossfit. I can't imagine exclusively going back to a gym with all machines, sounds horrible. But I'm passionate about Crossfit, so my recommendation is find what you love. I always enjoyed lifting but had bad instructions as to how to incorporate it into a cardio program for weight loss. Crossfit gives…
  • I am a perfectionist as well. I've been obese most of my life, and I've been dieting half of it. The best thing I did was start being nice to myself. Encouraging myself in workouts, saying one day doesn't ruin the whole plan. I get right back on the wagon so to speak, but being nicer to myself has been huge. It makes me…
  • For me, I'm doing a challenge right now so I have to plan to be successful. However I've found that it helps me mentally to feel that I'm making a choice in this. I'm not having those chocolate chip cookies because I've planned my food, I'm having this or that instead. There's nothing unexpected to derail me. That and I…
  • I Crossfit so I love my exercise. I'd do it if I never lost another pound. But that also keeps me motivated. I still have about 100 lbs to lose but that's not the only goal. It's most important but I have a gazillion Crossfit goals which keep me going. I want to lift heavier, run faster, be stronger in addition to smaller.…
  • I have a solid 100 lbs to lose still and I've been crossfitting for about three years total. I have found excellent coaches, most recently ones who help with nutrition. For me, it's about finding what I love, and that's Crossfit. I love running as well but my go-to is Crossfit, it's become a passion. That being said, it…